Right from its inception in 1944, Shreno Limited (Glass Division) was well poised to promote its
products under its prominent brand name YERA. Flamboyant demand of our superior quality goods in the
local market not only made YERA a prominent brand in India but also made it impossible to be exported
due to high local demand.
Subsequent progresses in production capabilities have enabled us to commence our export operations
and today we are able to cater 13 countries with new countries added almost every year. We are now a
Star Export House with majority of our exports being sourced by global companies and large scale wholesalers
and retailers.
Continuous improvement and timely evolution have been our path guiders in achieving a quality feat
that has helped to tap the unexplored horizons. As a result of this, we have also mastered the manufacturing
of glassware required as candle holders with the majority of production being sourced by the United States
of America. We were also able to substitute several areas where other products were used instead of glass.